Trends and status of SAARC countries in OPENDOAR institutional repositories 2005-2023: A study Negi Dheeraj Singh* University Assistant Librarian, Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University *Email id: dheerajnegi3@gmail.com
Online Published on 30 August, 2024. Abstract Open DOAR plays a crucial role in promoting open access to scholarly resources and making it easy the researchers to access and share their work with a wider audience. India 106(74%) number of repositor ies in OPENDOAR. Sri Lanka with 16(11%) in Number of contribution repositories available in OPENDOAR foreword to Bangladesh with 15 (10%) Number of repositories, Pakistan 4 (3%), Nepal and Afghanistan with 1(1%). Bhutan and Maldives are not repositories available in OPENDOAR Year wise India with 2016 (14) highest repositories contribution in the OPEN DOAR by SAARC countries and 2022 found is lowest contribution in OPENDOAR Sri Lanka year 2016 with (6) highest contribution. Bangladesh 2014 (6) with highest contribution year. Pakistan Each year growth with 1 depository in OPENDOAR the Institutional types found India 88, Sri Lanka 16, Bangladesh 13, Pakistan 3 and Afghanistan 1 other Disciplinary found as India has 8, Bangladesh and Nepal with 1. 88 majority of repositories are using D-Space software which includes 66 repositories in India, Sri Lanka 15, Bangladesh 13”. Top Keywords Open access repositories, Open access, Digital library, Library online service, SAARC countries. Top | | | |
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