Effect of lactoferrin on production of tumor necrosis factor-α Parkash O.m. Immunology Laboratory, Central JALMA Institute for Leprosy, Tajganj, Agra-282001, India. Abstract The ability of human lactoferrin to induce production of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) by human blood cells has been studied in vitro. Both forms (i.e. iron saturated and unsaturated) of lactoferrin induced the production of TNF-α. The saturated form of lactoferrin showed somewhat more induction than unsaturated form. The data reported here provide hints that lactoferrin may regulate the production of TNF-α and thereby it may contribute towards immunoprotection against infectious agents and cancer cells. T actoferrin may also implicate in immunopathogenesis of tissue damage, if TNF-α is produced excessively due to its high concentration. Top Key words Lactoferrin, immunity, cytokine, immunopathogenesis. Top | | |
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