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Journal of Immunology and Immunopathology
Year : 2002, Volume : 4, Issue : 1&2
First page : ( 51) Last page : ( 54)
Print ISSN : 0972-0561.

Immunomodulatory role of Growell during induced a flatoxicosis in chicks

Godbole S.M., Kalorey D.R., Kurkure N.V., Ganorkar A.G., Ingle V.C., Harne S.D.

Department of Microbiology, Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur, 440006, India.


Immunomodulatory role of Growell during experimental aflatoxicosis in cockerels was studied. Day old, 300 cockerels were divided in 6 equal groups randomly. Group C was kept as control, chicks in group AF and AF were fed basal diet plus 0.5 and 1.0 ppm aflatoxin B1 in feed respectively. Where as to groups CT, AFT and AFT diet were given as that of group C, AF and AF, and additionally supplemented with Growell @ 500g/ton of feed.

Humoral immune response adjudged by haemagglutination inhibition (HI) titer (log2) against New Castle disease virus (NCDV) and cell mediated immune response evaluated by contact sensitivity test was reduced by both levels of dietary aflatoxins. Better humoral and cell mediated immune response was observed in Growell supplemented groups than corresponding untreated groups indicating inununostimulatory effect of Growell in normal as well as aflatoxicated chicks.


Key words

Immunomodulation, Chicks, Growell.


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