Comparision of detection limit of a nonradioactive labeled VP4 cDNA probe based dot blot hybridisation test and RNA-PAGE of cell culture grown bovine rotavirus Mishra I., Grover Y.P., Pandey R., Minakshi Department of Veterinary Microbiology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, 125 004, INDIA. Abstract A dot blot hybridistion test for bovine rotavirus is described using non-radioactive digoxigenin labeled VP4 eDNA probe. The sensitivity of the probe was compared with that of RNA polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The detection limit for rotavims RNA in a sample by VP4 eDNA probe was 37.5 times higher than RNA-PAGE. VP4 eDNA probe could detect as little as 2 ng of viral RNA and was highly specific also. Top Key words Nucleic acid hybridization, RT-PCR, Bovine rotavirus, Digoxigenin labeled probe. Top | | |
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