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Journal of Immunology & Immunopathology
Year 1999, Volume-1, Issue-1&2 (Decemebr)
Print ISSN : 0972-0561

Table of contents



Role of nutrients in the avian immune response with special reference to protein
J.L. Vegad

Cytotoxicity profile of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in various stages of breast carcinoma
R. Jain, M.C. Mishra, G.K. Rath, R. Kumar

Humoral immune response of fimbrial antigen of Salmonella Typhimurium in mice
Anshu Sharma, Y.K. Kaura, R. Sharma

Immunopathology of cadmium in bovine calves
R.S. Chauhan, D.K. Agrawal

Postnatal histoenzymic profile of gut associated lymphoid tissue in dogs
Shuchi Shukla, G.K. Singh

Listeria ivanovii upregulate expression of OvCD4 and OvCD8 T-cell antigens in naturally infected ewes
M. Khatri, R. Sharma, P. Chand

A fixed cell ELISA for detecting antibodies against Theileria annulata
Anju Manuja, N.K. Rakha, R. Kumar, A.K. Nichani, R.D. Sharma, S.K. Gupta, D. Suri

Lymphocyte transformation responses to Brucella melitensis Rev. 1 in mice vaccinated with strain Rev.1 or SB115
Suresh Kumar, R.C. Kulshreshtha, R. Sharma

Effect of immuplus on humoral and cell mediated immunity in dogs
R.S. Chauhan

Serum immunoglobulin levels in camel (Camelus dromedarius) during dehydration and rehydration in winter season
A.K. Kataria, N. Kataria, R. Singh, S.L. Garg, V.K. Agarwal

Effect of subchronic lead intoxication on IBD vaccine induced humoral immune response in poultry
Avadhesh Kumar, R.S. Chauhan, N.P. Singh

Effect of single oral dose of alphamethrin on immune response of chicks
S.P. Singh, L.D. Sharma, R.S. Chauhan

Immunopathological effects of lindane on humoral immune response in sheep
R. Khurana, R.S. Chauhan

Experimental Brucella melitellsis infection in guinea-pigs: some immunological observations following levamisole administration
Sadanand Deo, P. Chand, S.K. Mishra, J.R. Sadana

Gross and histomorphology of gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) in dogs
Shuchi Shukla, G.K. Singh

Short papers

Early detection of rinderpest virus antigen in circulating leukocytes by indirect fluorescent assay using monoclonal antibodies
R.K. Singh, P.N. Bhat, P.P. Bhat

Application of immuno-enzymatic assay for the rapid diagnosis of bovin herpes virus infection
R. Sharma





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