Role of nutrients in the avian immune response with special reference to protein Vegad J.L. Department of pathology, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur-482001, India. Abstract During the process of development, nature has provided a defence mechanism i.e. immune system to all living creatures which protects them from various physical, chemical and biological assaults. Poultry farming is profitable only when there is no morbidity or mortality due to infectious diseases which depenqs on the immunocompetence of the birds. The role of proteins and other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals is elucidated on the humoral and cell mediated immunity. The deficiency of some aminoacids like methionine, arginine may lead to a state of Immunosuppression. Similarly the proteins also play an active role on immunoregulatory system; deficiency of which may cause immunosuppression in body making the birds more susceptible to infectious diseases. Top Key words Humoral and cellular immunity, diet, protein, poultry. Top | | |
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