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Journal International Association on Electricity Generation Transmission and Distribution

Publisher: International Association On Electricity Generation Transmission & Distribution
Print ISSN: 2250-012X
Online ISSN: 2229-4449
Number of issues per year: 2
Print frequency: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of publication: January and July

The International Association on Electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution (Afro- Asian Region) is a regional non-governmental organisation formed in 1990 with headquarters in New Delhi, India to provide a forum for specialists to meet and share their experiences and knowledge for mutual benefit. It also provides a special mention of the aspiration problems of developing countries in the field of power. The association brings out a half yearly journal on the developments of power in and around countries of the Afro-Asian Region. The journal is circulated within the country as well as abroad to all the members of the association. The journal provides an excellent service of disseminating the technological and innovative developments in Generation, Transmission and Distribution of the electricity sector.

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