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Journal of Hill Agriculture
Year 2018, Volume-9, Issue-3 (July-September)
Print ISSN : 0976-7606
Online ISSN : 2230-7338

Table of contents RSS Feed

Research Papers

Characteristics of some selected genotypes of grape from Ladakh region
Tsering Dolkar, MK Sharma, Amit Kumar, Phuntsog Tundup, Phuntsog

Effects of various concentrations of GA3 and NAA on cuttings of hydrangea under shade net conditions
Parul Punetha, Tanuja Rawat, Mamta Bohra, Himanshu Trivedi

Propagation of sub-tropical plum by stenting and use of IBA
Sheetal Rawat, Dc Dimri, Shweta Uniyal, Shailesh Tripathi

Effect of different chemicals on fruit cracking of pomegranate in hilly region of Uttarakhand
Pankaj Nautiyal, Gaurav Papnai, Manisha Arya, Rk Tiwari

Effect of ascorbic acid on leaf discoloration and vase life of spray chrysanthemums
Varun Hiremath, Ritu Jain

Effect of pre-harvest bagging on fruit retention and quality parameters of litchi cv. Rose Scented
Khushbu Kholiya, Vk Rao, Sk Sharma

Effect of planting density on growth, yield and fruit quality of apple cv. Jeromine
Neha Dhiman, JS Chandel, Pramod Verma

Response of soybean to potassium and sulphur nutrition grown in foothills of Nagaland
Chanbemo Lotha, Ak Singh

Growth, yield attributes and yield of maize as affected by application of tembotrione and its residual effect on succeeding brown sarson
Ankush Kumar, MC Rana

Effect of drip fertigation and boron foliar spray on storage quality of harvested onion seeds
Himangini, Hs Kanwar, Ashok Thakur

Combining ability analysis in Indian mustard
Sneha Adhikari, Sanjana Pathak, Deepak Joshi, Usha Pant, Ram Bhajan

Exploitable genetic variability and character association studies in Indian mustard
Arpna Kumari, Vedna Kumari, Vinod Kumar

Effect of botanical extracts on dose and speed of kill of granulosis virus against Pieris brassicae
Pankaj Sood

Trends of area, production and productivity of turmeric in Assam
K Choudhury, DC Kalita

Influence of socio-economic factors on the existing shifting cultivation practice in Champhai district of Mizoram
Pentile Thong, Rocky Pebam, Uttam Thangjam, Uttam Kumar Sahoo

Impact of information education communication activity on nutritional knowledge of farm women in Uttarkashi
Manisha Arya, Rashmi Limbu, Pankaj Nautiyal, Gaurav Papnai

Scaling-up of paddy cv. HPR 2612 (Palam Basmati 1) under irrigated transplanted conditions of Himachal Pradesh
Ds Yadav, Pankaj Sood, Lk Sharma

Utilization of rhdodendron flowers for preparation of jam
Shalini Devi, Chanderkanta Vats, YS Dhaliwal

Studies on development and storage quality of syrup prepared from wild prickly pear fruit
Monika Chauhan, NS Thakur, Rakesh Sharma, Abhimanyu Thakur

Studies on development of honey malta ready-to-serve beverage and its quality evaluation during storage
Beena Pathak, Ghanshyam Abrol, Sanjeev Verma

Studies on enhancing quality and shelf-life of Starkspur Golden Delicious apple by pre-harvest spray
Vishal Singh Barwal

Optimizing process to prepare lactose hydrolysed milk by enzymatic treatment
Anil Kumar, Deepika Kathuria, SK Sharma, Sachin Kumar


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