Collection and in-vitro optimization of growth factors of Ganoderma lucidum Rawat Shilpi Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263 145, India. E mail: rawatshilpi19@gmail.com Online published on 3 April, 2017. Abstract Ganoderma lucidum is one of the most popular medicinal mushrooms, cultivated in India but its optimum growth factors are still not established. So, mycelial growth of Ganoderma lucidum isolates were observed on different media at various temperatures (15- 35°C) and pH levels (4- 8). Results indicate that all the five isolates of G. lucidum grew well on malt extract agar (MEA) media followed by potato dextrose agar (PDA) media and isolate GA (Ganoderma -Almora) with mycelial growth of 5.37 cm was found to be superior to isolate GP (Ganoderma -Pantnagar) on 8th day observation. Mean diametric growth for MEA was maximum (4.60 cm) and that for isolate GA (3.69 cm). Temperature range of 20–25°C was found to best for isolate GA with mycelial growth of 6.38 cm followed by isolate GP (6.06 cm). Optimal mean mycelial growth (5.05 cm) was exhibited at 25°C where isolate GA gave maximum mycelial growth (3.70 cm). All isolates preferred acidic pH 5–6 for their growth. Isolate GP was found to be superior with maximum mycelia growth (6.79 cm) followed by isolate GA (6.62 cm). pH of 6 with 4.72 cm of mycelial growth was superior for all the isolates and isolate GP (4.38 cm) gave maximum mycelial growth. Different Ganoderma lucidum isolates favoured MEA media with a temperature of 20–25°C and pH of 5–6 for optimal mycelial growth. Isolate GA and isolate GP were found to be superior to others. Top Keywords Ganoderma lucidum, morphology, media, temperature, pH. Top | |
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