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Journal of Food Legumes
Year 2024, Volume-37, Issue-2 (April-June)
Print ISSN : 0970-6380
Online ISSN : 0976-2434

Table of contents RSS Feed

Review Papers

A comprehensive review on angular leaf spot disease of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L) caused by Peudocercospora griseola (Sacc.) crous & braun
Aaqif Zaffar, Sadiah Shafi, Ishrat Riyaz, MA Wani, Sajad M Zargar, RR Mir, Sajad Nabi, Parvaze A Sofi

Organic pulse production: Exploring opportunities and overcoming challenges
Raghavendra Singh, Mohammad Hasanain, Subhash Babu, CP Nath, MA Ansari, Amit Kumar, Mehraj Ud Din Sofi, Sandeep Kumar, Sunil Kumar

Research Papers

Induced mutagenesis for resistance to mungbean yellow mosaic virus and yield traits in mungbean
T Deepthi, Sumangala Bhat, Suma C Mogali, PR Saabale, DM Kiranakumara

Evaluation of the potentiality of diverse weed species in mobilising soil bioavailable phosphorus
Asik Dutta, Chaitanya Prasad Nath, Narendra Kumar

Prevalence and characterization of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. cyamopsidis causing bacterial blight of clusterbean in the semi-arid region of North Gujarat
SH Joshi, J Purohit, Anirudha Chattopadhyay, Bhavesh M Joshi

Efficacy of biocontrol-agents and plant extracts against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum causing stem rot of chickpea
Jaish Raj Yadav, SK Singh, Shivam Singh, Jay Kumar Yadav, Pankaj Singh

Bio efficacy of selected insecticides against pod fly, Melanagromyza obtusa (Malloch) in pigeonpea
D Veeranna, Tabassum Fatima, G Padmaja, N Sandhya Kishore, M Madhu, P Jagan Mohan Rao, R Uma Reddy

Multilevel growth assessment of mungbean production in Madhya Pradesh
Rekha Rani, Uma Sah, Hemant Kumar, Rajesh Bishnoi, Ashish Ranjan Udgata

Decomposition of production growth and identification of efficient cropping zones for major pulse crops in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand
Gyan Singh, Rahil Akhtar Usmani

Weather variable selection for whitefly population prediction modeling by using backward elimination regression
Hemant Kumar, Anup Chandra, Man Mohan Deo, Kaushik Bhagawati

Impact of cluster frontline demonstration on increasing productivity and profitability of pigeonpea in Bihar
AK Mauriya, Vinod Kumar, RB Verma, Raghubar Sahu, Mohammad Hashim

Impact of pulses on technological gap and socio-economic status of farmers in North Eastern India
Rajesh Kumar, M Thoithoi Devi, Munmi Boruah, Bagish Kumar, Apurba Baruah

Growth and instability in mungbean production in India
Neelam Kumari, Dharmpal Malik

Short Communications

Effect of plant growth regulators and fertilizers on the growth and yield of black gram (Vigna mungo L.)
Yashwant Ravindra Mistari, Jai Dev Sharma, Awadhesh Kishore, Muyeen I Nargund, Akash

Estimation of heterosis on CGMS based pigeonpea
Armi A Patel, PT Patel, PR Patel, Arazu B Patel, Rutul S Patel


What is there in the name: Its pigeonpea all the way
KB Saxena


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