Financial Inclusion in Bangladesh: Evidence from Two Villages Choudhury Mohammad Sadiqunnabi1,* 1Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh *Email id: sadique-eco@sust.edu
Abstract The paper uses participatory research to explore the extent of financial inclusion in two villages in Northeastern Bangladesh. It also uses Findex database to draw a comparative image of financial access in Bangladesh and other parts of the world. While Bangladesh data on financial inclusion exhibit financial capacity of the market, participatory evidence shows financial capability of the service receivers. Review of literature, secondary data and participatory evidences show that there are substantial financial gaps across the economies and within the households. In rural context, it is evident that financial access is low in developing countries like Bangladesh. Top Keywords Financial inclusion, financial inclusion gap, institutional effectiveness, mobile financial system, participatory methods. Top | | | |
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