Migration and Marginalisation in the ‘Himalayan Kingdom’ of Sikkim Chakrabarti Anjan1,* 1Assistant Professor of Economics, St. Joseph‘s College(University Section), PO: North Point, Darjeeling-734104, India *Email: anjaneco@gmail.com
Abstract A close look at the political history of Sikkim during monarchic rule unravels some disconcerting features. If the first phase of history (pre-British phase) showed marginalisation of the Lepchas and the Limboos by the immigrant Bhutias, the second phase of history (after the British became the de facto ruler) reflected the political hegemony of the minority Bhutia–Lepcha combination over the majority Nepalese who were mostly landless. The entry of the bulk of Nepalese did contribute to bring in changes in production techniques, especially in the agricultural sector, but appropriation of surplus by the landed gentry of Bhutias and Lepchas only helped to sustain feudalism. Demand for land rights and proportionate representation of the Nepalese paved way for integration of Sikkim with India, and monarchy was replaced by a democratic form of governance. By dint of absolute numerical majority, the Nepalese became the guiding force in shaping the economy of post state-hood Sikkim. Top Keywords Marginalisation, Migration, Political History, Demography, Land Management. Top | | | |
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