Effect of intercropping on the incidence of stem borer and armyworm in sorghum Spurthi G.S., Shekarappa*, Patil R.K., Puttanavar M.S., Ramegowda G.K. Department of Agricultural Entomology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India. *Corresponding author's: shekhar1993@yahoo.co.in
Abstract Studies on effect of intercropping of red gram, groundnut, soybean, green gram, cowpea and coriander in sorghum on the incidence of stem borer and armyworm showed significant reduction in number of larvae and per cent dead hears of stem borer in sorghum + groundnut ecosystem followed by cowpea intercropping. Intercropping of red gram and groundnut with sorghum at 2:4 ratio was beneficial in reducing the armyworm incidence and increasing the income. Top | | |
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