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Journal of Entomological Research
Year : 2001, Volume : 25, Issue : 3
First page : ( 229) Last page : ( 233)
Print ISSN : 0378-9519.

Resistance to insecticides and its dynamics to monocrotophos in Spodoptera litura (F.) at Dharwad, Karnataka

Ramegowda G.K., Basavanagoud K., Patil R.K.*, Kulkarni K.A.

Department of Agricultural Entomology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad-580 005, Karnataka, (India).

*Corresponding author: E-mail: ram_keet@rediffmail.com

Accepted:  20  August,  2001.


Laboratory experiments were made to know the resistance to cyper-methrin, quinalphos, monocrotophos and endosulfan in Spodoptera litura collected from groundnut fields at Dharwad, Karnataka during 1998–99 cropping seasons. The resistance levels in comparison to a reference strain were of the order cypermethrin > quinalphos > monocrotophos > endosulfan. Studies made to know the dynamics of monocrotophos resistance revealed that it was almost static from August 1998 to February 1999 (13.06 to 14.54 folds) excepting a hike during October 1998. From March onwards resistance started increasing and reached peak (37.16 folds) during April 1999 when it was last studied.


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