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Journal of Entomological Research
Year : 1994, Volume : 18, Issue : 3
First page : ( 223) Last page : ( 227)
Print ISSN : 0378-9519.

Efficacy of whole culture of Bacillus cereus and culture filtrate against the castor semilooper, Achaea janata L.

Kattegoudar N.F., Alagawadi A.R., Pakale Nilesh

Department of Agricultural Microbiology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Krishinagar, Dharwad-580 005, Karnataka (India).

Accepted:  9  June,  1994.


Laboratory studies on the efficacy of Bacillus cereus on third, fourth, and fifth larval instars of castor semilooper (Achaea janata L.) indicated cent per cent mortality of fourth instar larvae at a concentration of 24.5 x 108 viable cells per ml. The mortality rates were comparatively higher with whole cell culture than the culture filtrate. Formulation of B. cereus culture with 10.5 x 108 viable cells per ml can be used as optimum dosage to achieve at least 50% mortality of the pest.


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