Studies on Indian species of the genus Palpita Hubner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Pyraustinae) Kirti J.S., Rose H.S. Department of Zoloogy, Punjabi University, Patiala-147 002, Punjab (India). Abstract The genus Palpita Hubner comprises white coloured species, and is conspicuous due to the occurrence of a symmetrical pair of prominent hollow thorn-like spines, which represent signa and are present in the corpus bursae of the female genitalla. The structure of the valva, particularly its costa and sacculus are taxonomically important in the male genitalia. Key to different species, viz., warrenalis Swinhoe, nigropunctalis Bremer, palpifulvata n. sp., annulata Fabricius pajnu n. sp., kiminensis n. sp., unionalis Hubner and hexcornutialis n. sp, has been devised for the first time. The new species were described in all possible details while the description of already known species was improved by describing their genital organs, which amongst other characters provide distinctive seggregation of different biological species. In addition to maculation and venation, various constituent parts of the male genitalia, viz, uncus, tuba analis, tegumen, vinculum, saccuq valva, juxta, transtilla and aedeagus, and female genitalia, viz, corpus bursae, ductus bursae, ostium bursae, signum, apophyses and ovipositor were described. The gnathos is always wanting in the male genitalia. The. study revealed that all species belong/form a natual group. Top |