Development of low cost chicken cutlets using different extenders Ahlawat S.S.*, Sharma D.P., Khanna N. Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, CCS Haryana Agricultural University Campus, Hisar-125 004, India *Corresponding author's E-mail: ahlawatss9@gmail.com
Online published on 19 November, 2012. Abstract Chicken cutlets from broiler meat were developed using different levels of maida, breadcrumbs and besan with a view to reduce the cost of meat product. The samples were deep fat fried in refined oil at 160°C for 4–5 min. and subjected to sensory evaluation and physico-chemical analysis. The chicken cutlets blended with maida/breadcrumbs (10% each) and besan (5%) were preferred over the control. Cutlets with breadcrumbs showed the highest improvement in carbohydrate levels and cooking yield. Additions of extenders decreased the protein and fat contents but increased shear force value significantly without affecting their pH. TBA values increased on storage at 4+ 2°c, but no significant differences were observed in between the treated and control samples during storage period. The microbiological counts of chicken cutlets were within the safety limits upto 15 days of refrigerated storage. The cost of chicken cutlets blended with 10% maida/breadcrumbs (Rs. 233/kg each) and 5% besan (Rs. 242/kg) was substantially reduced as compared to the control (Rs. 250/kg). Top Keywords Chicken cutlets, Maida, Breadcrumbs, Besan, Shelf life. Top | |
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