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Journal of Dairying Foods & Home Sciences
Year 2000, Volume-19, Issue-2 (June)
Print ISSN : 0971-4456
Online ISSN : 0976-0563

Table of contents

A comparative evaluation of different storage heights on the basis of physiological costs of storing utensils by selected subjects of different heights
R. Bakhshi, P. Sandhu, Ravinder Dhillon

Studies on small - scale production of lecithin from vegetable oils
K. C. Joshi, P. C. Bargale, S.K. Khare

Child feeding practices among agricultural labourers
Abha Ahuja, Pushpa Shukla

Preparation and nutritional value of wheat rabadi - An indigenous fermented food of India
Manju Gupta, Neelam Khetarpaul

Storage related sensory changes in lassi
Ashwani Kumar Rathaur, M.J. Solanky

Resource productivity in dairy farming in Tamil Nadu
B. Ganeshkumar, K.S. Kumaravel, N.K. Verma

Thermal degradation of vitamin C during UHT processing of buffalomilk
R.R.B. Singh, G.R. Patil

Adoption of improved buffalo rearing practices in tribal area on Rajasthan
Naresh Sharma, K.L. Dangi, S.P. Singh

Study of constraints perceived by member milk producers of MPCS
B.P. Singh, J.P.S. Chauhan

Training on inland fishery for entrepreneurial development: an evaluation
Randhir Singh, Ratna Tewari

Study on the deviation from PFA standards in microbilogical quality of milk powders manufactured in Haryana
Amrit Kadian, D.N. Srivastava, R.S. Dabur

Nutritional evaluation of some Indian wheat varieties
A.K. Parmar, J.K. Sangha, R. Sachdeva

Impact of training programme on the symbolic adoption of dairy farm women
Uma Sah, Ram Kumar, Shantanu Kumar

Storage studies of wheat germ oil
Rekha Sharma, S.A. Vali, P.N. Shastri, B.Y. Rao

Existing Dahi culture prevailing in the Yamuna Nagar district of Haryana
Hans Ram Meena, D.S. Sidhu, M.S. Meena


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