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Journal of Commerce and Management Thought
Year : 2015, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : ( 162) Last page : ( 175)
Print ISSN : 0975-623X. Online ISSN : 0976-478X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-478x.2015.00011.7

Marketing of Library and Information Services

Chandratre Shripad V.1,*, Chandratre Meghana S.2,**

1Librarian, GES's Arts, Commerce and Science College, Shreewardhan, Dist: Raigad, Maharashtra

2Librarian, MET's Institute of Management, Bhujbal Knowledge City, Adgaon, Nashik, Maharashtra

*Email: shripad2008@gmail.com


Online published on 31 December, 2014.


For optimum utilization of information and 24x7 accesses to information libraries have changed themselves strategically. Marketing as a concept and as a practice, still seems unknown to many library and information personnel. The nonprofit organization like a library is basically engaged in the production of services rather than goods. Services are distinct in nature primarily due to the characteristics of being intangible, inseparable, variable and perishable. The branding in library and information context involves a lot of challenging issues. One of the most important things that a good academic library can offer is a long term relationship with the people who use library services. Now a days corporate workers start branding themselves as their own personal. Academic Librarians too can create most positive stereotype by customizing library and information services with his/her own flavor of personal brand (touch) of long last relationship.



Library and Information Services (LIS) Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Branding.


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