3G Network Technology: A Backbone for Mobile Phone Applications Jothi M., Lecturer in Commerce Faculty of Science and Humanities, SRM University, Kattankulathur - 603 203 (TN). Abstract In the Information Technology (IT) based era, Consumers and businesses are coming to realizing the value of mobile device and its application in their daily business activities. They have shift their perception of the mobile handset from that of a voice telephone device to that of a personal e-commerce device, it is because of the advancement in mobile phone devices (GPRS, UMTS etc) and its applications in various areas, viz., Mobile Banking, Mobile Ticketing, Mobile Vouchers, Mobile Brokerage, Mobile Purchase and Mobile Marketing and so on. Therefore, this article attempts to explore the advancement in mobile phone applications, and its networks (1G, 2G, 2.5G, 3G and 4G), which are being supportive for the development of Mobile phone applications to the stratified people in the society. Top | |
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