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Journal of Commerce & Management Thought
Year : 2010, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 48) Last page : ( 57)
Print ISSN : 0975-623-X.

The Growth of Auto Component Industry – An Overview

Syamala G.

Department of Commerce and Research Center, University of Pune.


This paper is an out come of a study made by the author to understand and analyze the role of Auto Component Industry in India, its growth, trends, competitiveness, challenges, it's market, their opportunities, their outsourcing which have been unique.An attempt has been made to find out the related problems which may throw light on the potentialities, for the growth of Auto Industry as a whole.

This paper highlights: 1) Market growth 2) Market opportunities 3) Trends of auto components industries in India. 4) Problems of Auto Component Industry in India.

However, an in depth analysis of plant level problems is out of scope.


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