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Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development
Year : 2010, Volume : 5, Issue : 2
First page : ( 87) Last page : ( 91)
Print ISSN : 2230-9047.

Employment and Income Generation in Paddy Cultivation through Sri in Tripura

De Bibhas Kanti

Department of Agricultural Economics,College of Agriculture, Tripura-799 256

Received:  April,  2010; Revised:  September,  2010.


A study on the impact of Paddy cultivation through SRI (System of Rice Intensification) was conducted in West Tripura district of Tripura state during the season 2010-11for both the crop Aman and Boro along with the traditional line sowing method. It was found that the paddy cultivation through SRI method was highly remunerative. It was observed that it generated an additional income of Rs. 1441 over the traditional line sowing method of paddy cultivation (Rs. 4319) for an operational area of 0.2 hectare (an unit of cultivated area followed in the state) resulting an increase of 33.36 per cent more income from SRI method. The inequalities of income distribution among different categories of farm size was found to be maximum in traditional line sowing method as compared to the SRI practicing size groups. The Gini coefficient was observed to be more than 0.5 to indicate higher degrees of disparities in income distribution within the groups of traditional line sowing method and less than 0.25 in case of farm size practicing SRI method to indicate lower degrees of disparities in income distribution with in the different size groups. It may be due to the perfectness in following the suggested package and practices for paddy cultivation through SRI method. The employment generated in SRI method of paddy cultivation was observed to be providing more employment than the traditional line sowing method. It is found to be 20.05 per cent more as compared to the traditional line sowing method. The total investment requirement was found to be Rs.1203 more on labour in SRI method of paddy cultivation to generate an additional income of Rs. 1441.



Paddy cultivation, SRI method, Tripura.


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