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Year : 2019, Volume : 14, Issue : 1
First page : ( 57) Last page : ( 64)
Print ISSN : 2230-9047. Online ISSN : 2231-6736. Published online : 2019  1.

Development of test to measure knowledge level of farmers producer organization members about improved hill agricultural practices

Mukherjee Anirban1,2,*Ph.D Scholar, Singh Premlata1Head, Burman Rajarshi Roy1Principal Scientist, Satyapriya1, Shubha Kumari2Scientist, Roy Manik Lal3Scientist

1Division of Agricultural Extension, IARI, New Delhi-110012


3ICAR-CRIJAF, Barak Pore, West Bengal

*Corresponding author email id: anirbanmukjiari@gmail.com

Received:  00  December,  2018; :  00  February,  2019.


A test was developed to measure the knowledge level of Hill farmers of Uttarakhand about improved agricultural Practices. The items on improved hill agricultural practices were taken from experts and literature reviews. Total 30 items were selected first and then again it was administered to other group of experts, having experience about hill agriculture. Based on experts responses 25 questions were selected. These 25 questions were administered to 96 farmers. Finally, 15 knowledge items were included in the final format of the knowledge test based on the difficulty index (43 to 79), discrimination index (0.242 to 0.606) and point-biserial correlation coefficient (0. 268). This final knowledge test was administered to 35 hill farmers for assessing the reliability of the test. The reliability of the knowledge test was measured by Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 and reliability coefficients were found 0.654. The test battery was used for assessing the knowledge level of Hill based FPO members and found that the majority of the respondents (34.3%) were in medium knowledge level followed by high 28.6 per cent.



Difficulty index, Discrimination index, Reliability, Kuder-Richardson formula 20, Farmers producer company.


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