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Journal of Biofuels
Year 2024, Volume-15, Issue-1 (January-June)
Print ISSN : 0976-3015
Online ISSN : 0976-4763

Table of contents RSS Feed

Analysis of air quality of Delhi and AQI forecast using SARIMAX
Gayatri, Sourabh Anand, M.K. Satyarthi

Overview and research application of nanozymes in the environmental and medical field
Ritu Walia, Kamal Nain Chopra

Studies on the removal of crystal violet dye using barkin ladi clay
S.E. Egga, T.T. Ngbrenche, S.E. Eluma, A. Theophilus, M.S. Ayuba

A review-production of environmental feasible paint and tiles using cow dung
Rajesh Kumar, Singh D.P.


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