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Year : 2020, Volume : 11, Issue : 2
First page : ( 65) Last page : ( 78)
Print ISSN : 0976-3015. Online ISSN : 0976-4763. Published online : 2020  09.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-4763.2020.00007.0

Use of Mango Seed Bio-Diesel as a Diesel Fuel Extender for a 4- Stroke CI Engine

Reddy Pelleti Tharun Kumar1,*

1Bachelor of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, N.B.K.R. Institute of Science & Technology, Vidyanagar-524413, Andhra Pradesh, India

*Email id: tharunxlr8@gmail.com

Received:  16  ,  2020; Accepted:  20  December,  2020.


In the present research work, the main concern is to the compatibility of the Mango seed oil mixed with Diesel at different percentages as an alternative to Diesel for a CI (Compression Ignition) Engine. In the Present work, Mango seed Biodiesel (Mango seed oil and Diesel mixture) was produced by the Transesterification method, Methanol, and Potassium Hydroxide were used. Thus, the prepared Mango seed oil was blended with Diesel such as 10% Mango seed oil + 90% Diesel, 15% Mango seed oil + 85% Diesel, 20% Mango seed oil + 80% Diesel, and 25% Mango seed oil + 75% Diesel. Properties such as Flash and Fire points, Aniline point, Viscosity, Density, and Cetane number were determined. Experimental work carried out on 4-BHP single-cylinder, 4-Stroke, Vertical, air-cooled Kirloskar Diesel Engine at a constant speed of 2800 R.P.M. It was found that Mango seed Biodiesel could be easily substituted up to 15% in a diesel without any significant difference in Brake power, S.F.C. (specific Fuel Consumption), Brake Thermal Efficiency, Opacity, and Absorptivity.



Bio-diesel, Fire point, Flashpoint, Mango seed oil, Transesterification.


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