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Journal of Applied Geochemistry
Year : 2016, Volume : 18, Issue : 1
First page : ( 15) Last page : ( 21)
Print ISSN : 0972-1967. Online ISSN : 2319-4316.

Geochemistry of the gneissic rocks of the basement complex around kpata, North Central Nigeria

Odedede O.*, Ugbe F.C.

Department of Geology, Delta State University, Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria

*E-mail: odededeo@yahoo.com

Online published on 3 March, 2016.


The basement rocks around Kpata area of North Central Nigeria consist of gneiss and migmatite-gneiss intruded by the Pan-African granitoids. Foliation in the gneisses defined by parallel mineral banding and indicates evidence of deformation and migmatitic processes. Geochemical analysis shows that major oxides SiO2 (68.42-. 71.88 wt %) Al2O3 (14–18 wt %) Fe2O3 (2.40- 5.90 wt %) and K2O ranges from 1.07–2.01 wt %. Linear plots of major oxides against SiO2 exhibit both positive and negative linear trends. Petrogenetic plots of Na2O+K2O versus SiO2 suggest an igneous origin.



Deformation, Geochemistry, igneous origin, migmatite, petrogenetic.


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