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Journal of Agricultural Development and Policy

Publisher: Indian Society For Agricultural Development And Policy
Print ISSN: 0974-9071
Online ISSN: 2322-0457
Number of issues per year: 2
Print frequency: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of publication: June and December

About the Journal

Indian Society for Agricultural Development and Policy had been established in the year 1990 with its headquarter at Department of Economics and Sociology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. Dr S.S. Grewal, the then Professor and Head of the Department was the founder President of the Society. He was a well-known agricultural economist. Later on stalwarts in the field of Agricultural Economics Drs Karam Singh, Joginder Singh, A.S. Joshi, R.S. Sidhu, M.S. Sidhu, Sukhpal Singh and Kamal Vatta have been the ex-officio presidents of the society. Presently, the society is headed by Dr J.M. Singh being the president and is touching the new heights of success under his able guidance. The society has successfully organized two virtual annual conferences in 2022 and 2023 with massive response and participation across the country. The deliberations were held on various agro-economic issues having importance at the state as well as national level in these conferences. The presenters and participants were motivated with cash awards under sub-themes of the conference besides providing certificates. Apart from this the bi-annual journal of the society is being published regularly. The Journal has been included in UGC Care List and is having NAAS Score 2024 - 4.34.

Mission The aims and objectives of the Society are:

•to advance and disseminates scientific knowledge about economic problems of agricultural development and policy;

• to arrange lectures form distinguished scientists/administrators;

• to organize seminars/symposia/conferences and to publish books, reports, papers or summaries of papers either separately or collectively or in a periodical which may be issued under the auspices of the society; and

• to co-operate with national and international institutions having similar objectives

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