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Year : 2018, Volume : 5, Issue : 1
First page : ( 42) Last page : ( 51)
Print ISSN : 2320-530X. Published online : 2018  1.

Need for an Academic Library Consortia in Nigeria

John Dada Kayode Sunday


The paper evaluates the collections in university libraries of Nigeria. A survey was conducted to collect quantitative information from the sample population using a self-modified questionnaire. Among respondents 28% observed that libraries are stocked up with print based information resources, mainly textbooks. 26% opined that the collection consisted mostly of thesis, dissertations, and project reports. E-resources were found to be meager. Only 7.3% of user population utilized e-resources in their day-to-day activities for research, teaching and learning. The study found that that even traditional resources are in libraries are insufficient. Digital resources are meager and due to lack of sufficient ICT infrastructure and failure in power supply access or services using electronic content are also week. Author suggests the establishment of an Academic Library Consortia, which can to some extent pool and share the available resources as well as jointly update collections at less cost; to improve the quality of higher education and research in the country.



Consortium, Resource Sharing, Collection, Development, Libraries, Academic, University Education, ICT, Nigeria.


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