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Aims and Scope


Informatics Studies, is an International, scholarly journal reporting on the latest research and developments in informatics. It is a cross-disciplinary and refereed journal, focusing on areas that constitute the discipline of Information Science.


Present research in Knowledge Management as well as information, library and archival sciences concentrate on traditional systems and procedures and their automation. Informatics Studies will give stress to technology that can transfer existing knowledge resources from traditional systems to future proof systems for the networked society as well as extension of access to it in an equitable way, which has become essential to keep research in the field technologically viable and relevant to society.

Informatics Studies will cover, subjects coming under Knowledge Management, Information Science, Library Science, and Archival Sciences which may include new methods for the creation, organization, management, dissemination and exchange of information; scholarly communication, Open Access, emerging modes and genres of publication, policy issues like publishing/deposit mandates, impact of governmental or institutional policy, institutional and discipline-specific repositories, digital curation, special packages, language technologies, search and information retrieval mechanisms, world wide web, knowledge warehousing, knowledge mining, standards, information infrastructures, resource sharing, information economics, Intellectual Property Rights, skills, and training in concerned areas as well as interdisciplinary and international perspectives on these issues. The authors are expected to emphasize the theoretical models / frameworks, accompanied by practice-oriented recommendations for fellow practitioners.

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