Medical management of intestinal impaction in a geriatric asian elephant (Elephas maximus) Sahu Sarat Kumar*, Gupta Santosh Kumar, Mohapatra Debabrat Nandankanan Zoological Park (NKZP)P.O. Barang Dist. Khurdha - 754005 (Orissa) *Corresponding author. E-mail: sahu.sarat77@gmail.com
Online Published on 23 January, 2023. Abstract A female Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) having malformation of right lower molar was recorded dull, lethargic, head down, showing no interest in feed and water with distended abdomen. The condition was diagnosed as intestinal impaction associated with colic. Immediate treatment was extended with administration of intravenous fluid along with analgesics, antibiotics and antihistamines. Oral antacids, oral and rectal fecal softeners, rectal enema and oral probiotics were also included in the treatment regime. Exercise in respect of long walk was provided to stimulate gastro-intestinal motility. The impaction was expelled after about 48 hours and a fecal ball consisting of mud and partially digested plant materials weighing 26 kgs came out along with 7–8 normal size fecal balls. Fecal softeners and Vitamin B-complex were continued for three days and oral probiotics for five more days. Provision was made for succulent fodder and par-cooked concentrates to avoid recurrence of impaction. Top Keywords Asian elephant, Geriatric, Impaction, Intestinal. Top | | |
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