Cystorrhaphy and tube cystostomy for management of obstructive urolithiasis in a calf Vahora Mohsin S.* Amul Research and Development AssociationAmul Dairy, Anand - 388001 (Gujarat) *Corresponding author. E-mail: drmohsin184@gmail.com
Online Published on 23 January, 2023. Abstract A male surti buffalo calf was presented with history of anuria since 2-3 days. Physical examination was carried out to check the status of urethra and urinary bladder. Based on history of anuria and physical examination the condition was diagnosed as an obstuctive urolithiasis with a ruptured urinary bladder. Analgesia was achieved with epidural administration of Lignocaine Hcl (3 ml) at lumbosacral space. Routinely post-operative antibiotic, analgesic and urinary acidifier ammonium chloride were given. The foleys catheter was removed on 12th post-operative day. The animal started normal urination and had an uneventful recovery. Top Keywords Calf, Cystostomy, Cystorrhaphy, Foley’s catheter, Urolithiasis. Top | |
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