Surgical management of ileocecocolic intussusception in a cow Rafee Malik Abu1,*, Wani Ajaz Ahmad1, Sheikh Shafqat Ahmad1 1Veterinary Officer Veterinary Hospital, Animal Husbandry DepartmentKashmir - 192212 (Jammu and Kashmir) *Corresponding author. E-mail: rafee188@gmail.com
Online Published on 23 January, 2023. Abstract A cow was presented with anorexia and cessation of defecation for last five days and passing red blood tinged rectal mucus along with faeces. Per rectal palpation revealed intussusception near the pelvic brim. Surgical intervention to resect necrosed part of intestines, suture torn mesentery and anastomosis of viable ends of intestines under local anesthesia was undertaken. The animal recovered and resumed normal activity. Top Keywords Cattle, Ileocecocolic, Intussusception. Top | | |
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