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Year : 2017, Volume : 18, Issue : 2
First page : ( 420) Last page : ( 422)
Print ISSN : 0972-1738. Online ISSN : 2249-8796.

Laparo-hysterotomy for Management of Dystocia due to Uterine Torsion-A Clinical Study of Six Buffaloes

Kamalakar G.*Assistant Professor, Mahesh R., Assistant Professor, Sumiran N., Assistant Professor, Devarathnam J., Assistant Professor, Rambabu K., Assistant Professor and Head

Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, College of Veterinary Science Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University (SVVU), Proddatur Dist. Y.S.R. Kadapa-516360 (Andhra Pradesh)

*Corresponding author. E-mail: drkamal_vet@yahoo.co.in

Online published on 18 April, 2018.


Six pluriparous buffaloes were presented with protracted dystocia due to uterine torsion and were subjected to left paramedian laparo-hysterotomy under sedation and local anaesthesia. Etiology of uterine torsion was found to be prolonged wallowing and aim less running in two cases and obscure in others. Calves retrieved were dead and emphysematous. In spite of good post operative efforts, two dams died owing to improper, un-timely treatment, toxaemia and stress related with rolling and caesarean.



Buffalo, laparohysterotomy, protracted dystocia, uterine torsion.


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