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INROADS- An International Journal of Jaipur National University
Year : 2013, Volume : 2, Issue : 2
First page : ( 98) Last page : ( 101)
Print ISSN : 2277-4904. Online ISSN : 2277-4912.
Article DOI : 10.5958/j.2277-4912.2.2.016

Liquid-Liquid Extraction and Spectrophotometric Determination of Ni(II) with 2,4-Dimethyl-3H-1,5 Benzodizepine Derivative as an Analytical Reagent

Lokhande Rama S.1,,*, Patil SS2,,**, Dharap SB3,,***, Shevde Poonam4, Patil Jayashree4,,****

1Professor and Head, School of Basic Sciences, Jaipur National University, Jaipur-302017, Rajasthan, India

2Research Scholar, J.S.M. College, Alibag, Raigad-402201, Maharashtra, India

3Bapusahab Nene College Pen, Raigad-402201, Maharashtra, India

4University Department of Chemistry, Kalina, Mumbai-400098, Maharashtra, India

Email id: *rama.lokhande@yahoo.com




Online published on 25 December, 2013.


A simple and precise spectrophotometric method is coupled with the solvent extraction technique and used for the determination of Ni (II) using 2, 4-dimethyl-3H-1, 5 benzodizepine (DBS) as an analytical reagent. This reagent is synthesised in the laboratory and characterised by NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance), IR (Infrared) and elemental analysis for its purity (Ahluwalia et al., 2005; Vogel, 1957). The reagent forms a brown-coloured stable complex with nickel metal, which can be quantitatively extracted into n-butanol at pH 8.0. This Ni (II)-DBS complex in n-butanol exhibits an intense absorption peak at 520 nm. The study of change of colour intensity of the Ni (II)-DBS complex with varying concentrations of the reagent showed that 1 ml of 0.05% of the reagent is sufficient for full colour development of 10-ppm nickel solution. Beer's law is obeyed in the range of 1–10 ppm of nickel solution giving a linear and reproducible graph. The stoichiometric ratio of the complex is studied by Job's continuous variation method, the mole ratio method and the slope ratio method. Stoichiometry of the Ni (II)-DBS complex is 1:1 the molar absorptivity and Sandell's sensitivity is also calculated. Molar absorptivity is 0.4048x104 lmol−1cm−1 and Sandell's sensitivity is 0.01204 μgcm−2. The newly developed method is then successfully applied to various commercial samples and is observed to be compatible with earlier known methods.



Nickel, Spectrophotometric Determination, n-Butanol 2, 4-Dimethyl-3H-1, 5 Benzodizepine.


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