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Year : 2011, Volume : 43, Issue : 1and2
First page : ( 23) Last page : ( 31)
Print ISSN : 0253-8040. Online ISSN : 0974-8164. Published online : 2011  01.

Effect of stage of Phalaris minor on the efficacy of accord plus (Fenoxaprop+ Metsulfuron, readymix)

Singh Samunder1, Singh Kuldeep1, Punia S. S.1, Yadav Ashok1, Dhawan Rupa S.1

1Department of Agronomy, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004 (Haryana), India


Screen house and field studies were carried out at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during 2009–10 and 2010–11 to evaluate the efficacy of ready-mix formulation of fenoxaprop and metribuzin (Accord Plus) applied at two growth stages of Phalaris minor. Metribuzin 150, 180 and 210 g/ha and Accord Plus 275 g a.i./ha were compared with tank mix of pinoxaden+carfentrazone 50+20 g/ha each applied at 38 and 60 days after sowing (DAS) of wheat under field conditions during 2010–11. Delayed application resulted in 33 and 28% reduced efficiency of herbicides against P. minor, respectively, at 3 and 5 weeks after treatment (WAT) (data averaged over treatments). Metribuzin 150 and 180 g/ha was least effective against P. minor when applied 60 DAS, whereas its application at 210 g/ha and Accord Plus resulted in 44 and 16% lower mortality of P. minor, respectively, over their application 38 DAS. Delayed application also lowered wheat tillers resulting in lower grain yield. Wheat yield was reduced by 23 and 18% by metribuzin 210 g/ha and Accord Plus 275 g a.i./ha compared to 14% in tank mix of pinoxaden+carfentrazone when applied 60 over 38 DAS. Under screen house conditions, 19 populations of P. minor were evaluated at two growth stages (2–4 leaf and 4–6 leaf) with three rates of Accord Plus (137.5, 275 and 550 g a.i./ha) during 2009–10 and 2010–11. Mortality of P. minor populations was 44, 65 and 97% at the 4–6 leaf stage of application compared to 83, 98.5 and 100% when applied at the 2–4 leaf stage, respectively, with three rates of Accord Plus (data averaged over populations). Accord Plus 275 g a.i./ha applied at the 2–4 leaf stage provided 90–100 % control of all the populations of P. minor, whereas delayed application at 4–6 leaf stage provided 45 to 85% control. P. minor populations, Rasidan, Nangla, Barhi, Suchan Kotli and Uchana were controlled by <50% by 275 g a.i./ha of Accord Plus application at 4–6 leaf stage. P. minor populations, Barhi, Suchan Kotli, Koyal, Jakholi and Chanarthal were not completely knocked down by even 550 g a.i./ha of Accord Plus with delayed application at the 4–6 leaf stage. Some of these populations have already exhibited loss of efficacy against fenoxaprop and clodinafop under field conditions. Care need to be taken in timely application of Accord Plus where efficacy of one of the mixture partners (fenoxaprop) is questionable.



Resistance, Application time, Phalaris minor stage, Herbicide efficacy, Tank mixture.


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