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Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery
Year 1995, Volume-16, Issue-1 (June)
Print ISSN : 0254-4105
Online ISSN : 0973-9726

Table of contents

Local and regional anaesthesia in veterinary practice - A review
Syed Sajjad Hussain

Allopurinol inhibited free radical generation in the sheep large intestine
M. Ahmadinejad, M.A.E. Rex, R. Sutton, C. Pollitt, B. Cribb

Clinical, physiological and haematobiochemical effects of detomidine with or without atropine in diazepam premedicated dogs
P.V. Parikh, Amresh Kumar, B. Sharma, S.K. Tiwari, N.S. Jadon

Management of uraemia in goafs: Clinical, haematological and biochemical study
Y.K. Reddy, S.V. Mogha, O.P. Gupta

Undecalcified ground section study in composite bone grafts and ceramic implants in goats
S.K. Maiti, G.R. Singh

Gastric seromuscular autogenous graft for oesophagoplasty in dogs: Mechanical and histomorphologicai study
Amarpal, Bharat Singh, Amresh Kumar

Short Communications

Yersinia enterocolitica infection in a mice: Clinico-radiological study
Satyendra Singh, S.N. Sharma, V.K. Sharma, D.C. Thapliyal

Fracture in dogs - A review of 208 cases
T.P. Balagopalan, C.B. Devanand, K. Rajankutty, T. Sarada Amma, S. Raveendran Nayar, C. Abraham Varkey, A.M. Jalaluddin, K.N. Muraleedharan Nayar, P.O. George

Cystoplasty using formalin preserved urinary bladder grafts in buffalo calves
S.P. Sharma

Serum acid and alkaiine phosphatase activities following bone grafting In goats
H.P. Aithal, I.V. Mogha, G.R. Singh, D. Swarup

Preserved homogenous pericardial grafts for bladder reconstruction in goats
S.K. Nandi, P.K. Bose, D.K. Das, J. Sengupta, A.K. Dutta

Repair of the urinary bladder in male bovines: A comparative study
J.N. Mohanty, V.S.C. Bose, S.U. Doula, A.K. Ray, S. Nayak, I. Nath

A disability study of limb amputation in bovine by joint disarticulation and bone section
Nayak, J.N. Mohanty

Radial nerve neurotmesis and neuroanastomosis in buffalo calves
S. Chaudhary, B.N. Suthar, DM. Tadkod

Clinical Articles

Radiographic contrast studies of the urinary tract in four dogs - a clinical report
T.N Ganesh, N.N. Balasubramanian, M.S Dewan Mutthu Mohammed

Intussusception due to mastocytoma in a Dobermann bitch
V.D. Aher, V.S. Panchbhai, S.D. Moregaonkar, V.M. Salunke

Megaoesophagus in dogs - A review of six cases
T.P. Balagopalan, C.B. Devanand, K. Rajankutty, T. Sarada Amma, S. Raveendran Nayar, C. Abraham Varkey, A.M. Jalaluddin, K.N. Muraleedharan Nayar, P.O. George

Bilateral metacarpal fracture in a goat- A case report
L.B. Sarkate, V.D. Aher, V.M. Salunke

Rumen impaction and its surgical management in yak (Bos grunniens)
Lal Gopal, S.K. Sharma, Mohinder Singh, A.C. Varshney

Thesis Abstracts

Studies on the efficacy of glyceryl guaiacoiate as adjunct to ketamine, xylazine and ketamine - xylazine continuous intravenous anaesthesia in calves
B. Justin William

Medetomidine as an analgesic sedative premedicant in thiopentone sodium and ketamine hydrochloride anaesthesia in dogs
R. Suresh Kumar

Experimental and clinical studies on cryosurgery in dogs
K.B.P. Raghavender

Comparative studies on the use of different grafts for experimental cystoplasty in buffalo calves
B. Ramesh Kumar

Studies on intestinal obstruction in buffalo calves with emphasis on role of sepsis and electrolyte imbalance
Dil Mohamad Makhdoomi

Studies on the treatment of osteomyelitis in cattle
Prem Singh

Traumatic reticulo pericarditis in bovines-clinical, radiological and pathophysiological study
T. Satish

Surgical management of tibial tuberosity fracture in dogs: a comparative study
Annie Philip

Body fluid changes in simple and strangulated jejunal obstruction in buffalo calves
Maninder Pal Singh

Studies on regional anaesthesia in yaks (bos grunniens)


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