Epidemiological Study on the Seroprevalence of Infectious Bursal Disease in Backyard Chickens Medhi Manisha1, Das Sutopa1, Nath Rita1, Bora Durlav1, Muthuchelvan Dhanavelu2,* 1Department of Microbiology, College of Veterinary Science, Assam Agricultural University, Guwahati, Assam 2Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Hebbal Campus, Bengaluru, Karnataka *Correspondence: drchelva@gmail.com
Online Published on 27 September, 2024. Abstract Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) threats significantly to poultry. The seroprevalence of IBD in backyard chickens across diverse regions in Assam (India) covering 19 districts and 270 households engaged in backyard chicken rearing analyzed sera samples by an indirect ELISA. An overall seroprevalence of 27.99%, with significant districtwise variations ranging from 12.12% to 66.66% was found. There was higher susceptibility in younger birds in the age of 2nd to 4th weeks. Top Keywords Backyard poultry, Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV), Seroprevalence. Top |