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Aims and Scope

The Indian Journal of Veterinary Research (IJVR) is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal dedicated to providing the advancement in research in the area of veterinary sciences. It covers all the scientific and technological aspects of veterinary sciences in all veterinary science subjects and now introducing one health papers in medical fields.

Journal Information

The Indian Journal of Veterinary Research (IJVR) was launched in 1999. It is published two times a year (Jan-June and July- December) and it is circulated to 900 members including university/institutions in India and abroad. The journal is official organ of Indian Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Research (IAAVR). Authors who wish to publish in journal of should conform to the “Instructions to Authors” which is printed in the journal. Membership of IAAVR is not a prerequisite for submission. The Journal is open to all contributors engaged in veterinary and related science colleges/universities/ institutions in India and abroad.

Indexed/Abstract With:

CAB International, UK, INSDOC, INDIA, Ulrich's International Periodical Directory, USA, Google Scholar, Ebsco Discovery, CNKI Scholar, Indian Citation Index (ICI)

The Journal is an Open Access journal. All articles are available both print and electronic forms on IndianJournalns.com (www.indianjournals.com). The publisher and Editors cannot be held responsible for errors or any consequences arising from the use of information contained.

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