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Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathology
Year 2021, Volume-45, Issue-2 (April-June)
Print ISSN : 0250-4758
Online ISSN : 0973-970X

Table of contents

Review Articles

Molecular regulation of autophagy and its role in cancer
Amishi, Madhu Swamy, Yamini Verma, Amita Dubey

Research Articles

Investigations on respiratory affections in adult cattle in Haryana
C. Sharma, V. Nehra, D. Lather, Rajesh, A. Kumar, G. Narang

Pathomorphological and molecular diagnosis of Haemophilus parasuis in pigs of northern parts of India
Alok Singh, Shailesh Kumar Patel, Mamta Pathak, Aditya Agrawal, Monalisa Sahoo, G. Saikumar

Pathological investigation and immunohistochemical evaluation of bursa of Fabricius in naturally infected chicken with infectious bursal disease
Sushma, Gulshan Narang, Babu Lal Jangir, Pooja, Deepika Lather, Rajesh Chhabra

Pathological alterations in commercial chicken affected with salmonella infection
Anushri Tiwari, Madhu Swamy, Amita Dubey, Yamini Verma

Short Communications

Peritoneal epitheloid mesothelioma of uterus in a cow
A. Nasreen, N. Sailaja, Ch. Srilatha, B. Sreedevi, K. Padmaja

An incidental case of nephroblastoma in a bull
Biswadeep Behera, R. Ravindran, Rahul Singh Arya, Tridib Kumar Rajkhowa, Y. Damodar Singh, J. Kiran

Pathology of hepatic granulomas in goats
E. Regha, R. Kumar, A.W. Lakkawar, S. Uma, P.X. Antony, M.G. Nair

Histopathological and immunohistochemical studies on baso-squa-mous cell carcinoma in a mare
Babu Lal Jangir, R.P. Gupta, Gulshan Narang, Surjeet Singh, Paramjeet, Sandeep Kumar

Pathomorphological and Immunohistochemical evaluations of pancytokeratin, vimentin and proliferating cell nuclear antigen in epithelial tumours of dogs
Paramjeet, Babu Lal Jangir, Sandeep Saharan, Deepika Lather

Pathomorphological and immunohistochemical studies on rare case of liposarcoma in oral cavity of a buffalo
Babu Lal Jangir, Sandeep Kumar, Rajender Prasad Gupta, Maneesh Sharma, Dinesh

A case of primary pulmonary adenocarcinoma in a German Shepherd dog
Megha Kaore, Madhuri Hedau, Sneha Thorat, Seema Shinde, V.M. Dhoot, N.V. Kurkure

Seminoma in a cryptorchid poodle dog - A case report
B. Enyetornye, K.R. Abbiw, A.R. Abubakari, K. Asare-Dompreh, B. Bamfo, K.P. Gathumbi, H.M. Rahman

Feline spindle cell soft tissue sarcoma: A case report
Sabita Rakshit, Kabita Roy, I.C. Datta

Spontaneous case of subcutaneous fibrosarcoma in an aged albino rat- A case report
Rupali Masand, R.D. Patil, R.K. Asrani, Brij Vanita Thakur

Thesis Abstract

Clinico-pathological and immuno-histochemical studies on Marek’s disease in poultry
Y. Vishnu Prasanth Reddy, Dr A. Anand Kumar


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