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Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathology
Year 2018, Volume-42, Issue-3 (September)
Print ISSN : 0250-4758
Online ISSN : 0973-970X

Table of contents

Clinico-pathological studies on black quarter in cattle
S.R. Ambhore, M.A. Khan, S.G. Chavhan, A.U. Bhikane, N.Z. Gaikwad, A.V. Bhonsle

Pathomorphological and immunohistochemical studies on uterine adenocarcinoma in cattle
N. Jayasree, Ch. Srilatha, K. Sujatha, B. Sreedevi, R. Venu, A. Nasreen, V.K. Anakali

Pathology of subclinical paratuberculosis in goats of Mahakausal region
Maneesh Jatav, Yamini Verma, Amita Dubey, Madhu Swamy, A.P. Singh

Clinico pathological evaluation of diet induced hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis in Wistar rats
H. Srinivasa Naik, Ch. Srilatha, K. Sujatha, B. Sreedevi, T.N.V.K.V. Prasad

Studies on the prevalence, clinico-pathology and molecular detection of chicken infectious anaemia (CIA) virus in poultry in Mizoram, India
Abhijit Deka, T.K. Rajkhowa, Y.D. Singh, R. Ravindran, R.S. Arya

Prevalence and pathology of respiratory lesions in commercial meat type chickens
I Poorna Chandhar, Madhu Swamy, Yamini Verma, Amita Dubey

Antimicrobial resistant Escherichia coli and associated colibacillosis in poultry population of Mizoram
K. Jamoh, T.K. Rajkhowa, Y.D. Singh, R. Ravindran, R.S. Arya

Immunohistochemical localization of viral antigens causing immunosuppressive diseases in poultry under field conditions
S.A. Andrabi, K. Gupta, Amarjit Singh

Ocular squamous cell carcinoma in a cross bred cow
N. Babu Prasath, J. Selvaraj, D. Vishnugurubaran

A case of multiple trichoepithelioma with cystic variant in a crossbred cow
N. Babu Prasath, J. Selvaraj, T. Arulkumar

Sero-diagnosis of paratuberculosis in Gaddi sheep of Himachal Pradesh
Madhulina Maity, Monika Thakur, V.K. Gupta

Canine melanoma: A case report
Surjeet Singh, R.P. Gupta, B.L. Jangir, Shrikant Sharma, Sapna Soni

Mixed type cutaneous haemangiosarcoma in a dog
N. Babu Prasath, J. Selvaraj, R. Ravikumar

Calcinosis circumscripta involving the hip joint in a dog
F. Baghban, Mehran T. Riahi

Mixed germ cell and sex cord stromal tumour in a cryptorchid dog
K. Gopal, N. Pazhanivel, K. Jeyaraja, V. Kumar, K. Jayakumar, A.R. Ninu

Nodular hepatocellular carcinoma in a Labrador dog with metastases
Hemalatha Sankaranarayanan, S. Hemalatha, R. Sridhar

Pulmonary acariasis and intestinal oesophagostomiasis in a pig-tailed macaque (Macaca leonina)
Biplab Debroy, C. Balachandran

Thesis Abstract

Pathological and Molecular Diagnosis of Newcastle Disease in Poultry and Pigeon in Jammu Region
Mehroon Chowdhary

Book Review

Textbook of illustrated veterinary pathology
Dr Rajveer Singh Pawaiya


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