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The Indian Journal of Small Ruminants
Year 1995, Volume-1, Issue-1 (April)
Print ISSN : 0971-9857

Table of contents

Sheep husbandry practices in Sonadi and Malpura breeding tract
S C Mehta, P K Vij, A E Nivsarkar, R sahai

Reproductive Performance of Assam local goats and their crossbreds with beetal
N. Nahardeka, D. Das, R.N. Goswami, T.C. Roy, P.K. Gogoi

Divergence analysis of performance of Karakul and its crosses and development of Indian Karakul
V.K. Singh, K.P. Pant

Factors affecting age and weight at first breeding and first lambing in Malpura ewes
A.L. Arora, C.P. Swarnkar

Marginal productivity and production functions of goats maintained under field conditions
M.R. Singh, R.C. Lal, B.P. Singh

Growth performance of lambs on mustard (Brassica compestris) straw based complete feed
A.K. Misra, S.A. Karim, B.C. Patnayak, D.L. verma

Influence of controlled freezing on cryosurvival of ram spermatozoa
A.K. Mathur, Anil Joshi

Preliminary characterization of a local isolate of contagious pustular dermatitis virus
Sanjay Shakya, R.K. Joshi

Detection of anthelmintic resistance using in vitro test procedures
Dhirendra Singh, C.P. Swarnkar, Faiz Ahmad Khan, Umesh Dimri, C.P. Srivastava, P.S.K. Bhagwan

Lustre properties of wool – Its importance and evaluation
S. Parthasarathy, S.K. Chopra

Short Communications

Association of cryptorchidism with autosomal translocation in Deccani sheep
S.R. Sridhara Murthy, M.R. Jayashankar, C.S. Nagaraja, M.G. Govindaiah

Nutritive value of Kanchan/Kachar (Bauhinia variegate) tree leaves in sheep
D.H. Rekhate, J. Honmode

In vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of roughages and tree leaves
O.H. Chaturvedi, S.A. Karim, A.K. Misra


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