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International Journal of Social and Economic Research
Year 2011, Volume-1, issue-1 (January–June)
Online ISSN : 2249–6270

Table of contents

A critical governance issue for inclusive growth: is ‘citizen centric’ participation possible?
Sony Pellissery

Inclusive growth: the contribution of service sector to employment in Malaysia
Zarinah Hamid

Social exclusion and inclusive education: some issues
Prof. O. P. Shukla, Vinayak Kant Mishra

A Neurocybernetic theory of development management with social inclusiveness
Masudul Alam Choudhury

Women empowerment through women entrepreneurship in India: an analysis
Ms. Surabhi Agarwal

Inclusive growth and women in India – looking at MDGs
V. Basil Hans, Deepika

Denotified tribes and inclusive development: anthropological interventions and methodological issues
Dr. Bindu Ramachandran

Inclusive growth in Nigeria: policy issues and options for poverty reduction
Kanayo Ogujiuba, Samuel K. Alehile

What lessons can be learned for SAARC from ASEAN?
Kankesu Jayanthakumaran, Shao-Wei Lee

The role of GIS in urban planning and management in developed countries
Lotfali Kozegar Kaleji

Financial analysis of Tehran stock exchange (TSE) based on economic value added (EVA) during years 2001–2004
Ali Reza Modanlo Joibary

Rura non-farm enterprises in Uttar Pradesh: an analysis
Prof. O.P. Shukla

Human rights, education and domestic violence:
Ms. Savitha YD

Vulnerability of widows in India: need for inclusion
Dr. Anjuli Chandra

The Burden surplus” A food policy challenge approached through statistical modeling converging lost motives of food security and procurement management in India.
Arti Trivedi, Shagun Srivastava, Dr. Madhvendra Misra, Dr. Vijayshri Tiwari, Mr. Shashikant Rai

Poverty, human trafficking and social exclusion: space for new discourses
Dr. Mahadeviah V N, Dr. Devajana C Nanjunda, Venu gopal P N, Dr. Bhamini Subrmanya C E, Dr. Roopa Suresh

Social exclusion in northeast India: self-governance issue, development politics and autonomy movements
N.K. Das

Job satisfaction among the employees of neyveli lignite corporation limited
Dr. K. Damodaran

FDI and output growth in top six FDI received Indian industries - an empirical analysis
Manjappa D. Hosamane, Sadhana H V

Macroeconomics of food insecurity in sub-saharan Africa
Danbala Danju

Empowerment of women through self help groups: a case study of dakshina kannada district, Karnataka India
Mr. Dinesha P T, Dr. Jayasheela

Application of neural networks in forecasting business and managerial processes in comparison with nonlinear models (case study: Iran’s wood industry)
Mehdi Kazemi, Aliakbar Niknafs, Vahid Ranjbar, Amir Forouharfar

Social life of elderly in “twin-city” of Odisha – a gender perspective
Dr. Tanuja Mohapatra

The impact of information technology on customer relationship management in banking industry
Mehdi Rouholamini, Dr. S. Venkatesh

Campus review market solutions to attract and develop tourism in the province of Semnan, Iran
Iraj Eskandarian, Dr. S. Arun Das

Evaluation of human spatial behavior in the geographical environment: current events and future prospects
Lotfali Kouzegar Kaleji

Economic Issues among Women’s Development
Anjali Kurane, Jyoti Shetty

Cluster approach to understand malnutrition in urban India: a disaggregated analysis across the states
Dr. Neetu Choudhary

An ethical introspection of selling life insurance in India
Mahesh R, Dr. S Venkatesh


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