Construction and validation of the study habits scale for the secondary school students Sharma Deepti Junior Research Fellow, Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University Online published on 25 June, 2019. Abstract Study habit is an important variable in determining success or failure in one's academic life. All the strategies and activities of the learner, which aid the learning process and directly or indirectly improves the outcomes of the learner can be referred to as "Study Habits". The aim of the present study is to develop " Study Habits Scale" for the secondary level students and to find out the factors that influence the study habits. After reviewing so many relevant literatures the investigator considered the six dimensions of study habits i.e., Management of timetable, Taking notes, Reading textbooks, Studying, Memorization and Preparing for test and exams and then the investigator constructed 96 items based on these dimensions. For ensuring the content and face validity of the scale investigator consulted 15 experts from the field of Education and Psychology. After the expert's judgment, 19 items were rejected and some of the items were modified according to their valuable suggestions thus 77 items were selected for preliminary try-out of the scale. In order to ensure the communication effectiveness of the scale, the preliminary try-out was carried out on a purposive sample of 50 students (25 males and 25 females) selected from the secondary schools of Aligarh city, in this process 3 items were also deleted as they were found ambiguous to most of the students. The final draft of the scale with 74 items was administered over a sample of 200 secondary school students (100 male and 100 females) selected from the secondary schools of Aligarh city. After final item analysis of study habits scale, 48 items were retained on the basis of the t-values, which were found to be significant at 0.01 level of significance. In order to increase the precision of the scale positive and negative both types of items were included in the scale, out of these 48 items, 37 items are positive and 11 are negative statements. For the present scale, the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient method gave the reliability equal to 0.867 and the Split Half method gave the reliability equal to 0.830. The content validity of the scale was ensured through the judgments of the experts from the field of Education and Psychology. The Pearson's coefficient of correlation values between the subset scores and total score values were high and statistically significant which consequently ensures the construct validity of the scale. Top | |
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