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International Journal of Research in Social Sciences
Year : 2017, Volume : 7, Issue : 9
First page : ( 828) Last page : ( 842)
Online ISSN : 2249-2496.

Opportunities and Challenges-A Review of Indian Aviation Industry Growth

Gupta Manoj1,*, Prof. Dr. Sharma Chavi Bhargava2, Prof. Dr. Gupta Narain3

1Research Scholar, MRIU, Faridabad, manojg2k@yahoo.com

2Dean FMS, MRIU, Faridabad, dean.fms@mriu.edu.in

3Associate Professor, MDI, Gurgaon, narain.gupta@mdi.ac.in

*Author correspondence: Manoj Gupta Research Scholar, Faculty of Management Studies, Manav Rachna International Univerrsity, Faridabad, Haryana Email: manojg2k@yahoo.com

Online published on 20 June, 2019.


This paper aims to understand the role of Aviation and the changing trends in this era of globalization with evolving aspirations and changing socio-economic landscape. The industry per se has witnessed an encouraging trend and has a great potential. This presents before us a vast opportunity as affirmed by GOI, MOCA projection of mammoth 300 million tickets sale. This projection is a quantum jump from the present 70 million domestic tickets as sold in 2014–15. The research reviews the reported literature in last 3 decades, and comprehends the important areas of research in Indian aviation industry.



Aviation, trends, globalization, landscape.


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