Cost-benefit analysis of vegetable cultivation: A case study of Patiala district Singh Taranjeet, Singh Harsimran, Singh Jagdev Research Scholars, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala JEL Codes: Q00, Q12, Q13 Online published on 11 June, 2014. Abstract Agriculture in Indian economy is main source of livelihood security because more than 50 percent of population depends upon agricultural sector directly or indirectly. In the rural areas its importance is more relevant. Green revolution has made us self-sufficient in food grains. But present trends in agricultural particularly in Punjab, demands diversification of agricultural crops. Many experts and policy makers give more importance to horticultural crops such as vegetables, fruits as well as production of flowers. Vegetables are not only important as protective food and highly beneficial for the maintenance of health and prevention of disease, but these are also a source of livelihood for farmers. Vegetables are a source of income support as well as important for food security of the people of India. So cost-benefits analysis is very essential in economics because this tell us about the benefits and losses of a particular field. The present study is an attempt to analyses the cost-benefits of vegetables production in Patiala District, Punjab. For this study, different cost concepts have been used. Two representative villages have been selected from the Sanour Block (highest vegetable producing block of Patiala) of Patiala district. Top | |
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