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International Journal of Research in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
Year : 2014, Volume : 2, Issue : 4
First page : ( 270) Last page : ( 286)
Print ISSN : 2320-8716. Online ISSN : 2320-8724.

Training and Learning About Quality Management by ‘Laqtaaq” – An Innovative Method

Dr. Rajashekharaiah Jagadeesh

Professor, SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysore No. 1, Chamundi Hill Road, Siddarthanagar, Mysore – 570 011, Karnataka, India

Online published on 16 December, 2014.


Educators involved in teaching and training activities often look for new and innovative methods of teaching to ensure better knowledge transmission from the teacher to the taught. In addition the method should allow the students to easily understand the concepts and help them for easy retention and recalling of the same. It is in this context, the author who is a well experienced academician and trainer has proposed a new method to teach and learn about quality. The method called LAQTAAQ which expands as “Learning About Quality Through Acronyms, Abbreviations and Quotes”. essentially involves acronyms, abbreviations, and quotes, to illustrate various aspects of "quality" and enables the students to quickly recall and remember the concepts. The method was tested while teaching a course on TQM to business education students and also during corporate training sessions and an encouraging feedback was received. The proposed method is simple and easy to administer besides being scalable and replicable to suit teaching of other courses. Further the method doesn't demand any special resources and the technique also offers freedom and flexibility in terms of enhancing the features of this method.



Acronyms, Management education, Pedagogy, TQM, Quality.


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