An Investigation of the Efficacy of the Librarians’ Training Courses at Public Libraries based on Kirkpatrick's Model: Evidence from Azarbayejane Sharghi, Iran Ziaei Soraya, PhD, Bolandi Azizeh, MSc Library and information Sciences, Library and Information Sciences Department, Payame Noor University, Mashhad, Iran Online published on 12 June, 2014. Abstract The purpose of the current study is to investigate the efficacy of the librarians’ training courses at public libraries in Azarbayejane Sharghi so as to suggest proper solutions through descriptive survey. The data were gathered via a questionnaire according to Kirk Patrick's model including 28 questions with a validity of 0.94. To analyze data the deductive statistical methods (one sided t-test and variance analysis) were applied along with descriptive statistics indexes. The population of the study contained 150 who were chosen randomly. The results obtained indicate that the training courses were deemed effective from the view point of the participants with regard to evaluation aspects (reaction, learning, behavior and results). Additionally, the result show that there are significant differences between participants’ average points and the efficacy of the training courses with regard to variables such as gender and field of study. Top Keywords Public libraries, training librarians, training courses efficacy, Kirk Patrick, evaluation. Top | |
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