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International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences
Year 2017, Volume-7, Issue-4 (April)
Online ISSN : 2249-7382

Table of contents RSS Feed

Thematic Study of Anita Desai's Major Novels
Dr. Kranff Vats, Dr. Mani Mohan Mehta, Saurabh Mehta

Possibilities for India's Trade and Economic Co-operation with Poland
Dr. Vandana Tyagi

Engaging the diverse workforce-An Empirical study of Generation X and Y.
P. Hima Bindu

Impact of demographic variables on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention: A study of five star and five star deluxe hotels in NCR
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar, Ms. Gunjan Malik

Issues and Challenges in Teacher Education
Dr. Poonam Dhull, Gagan

Determinants of Smallholder Food Consumption Commercialization in Ethiopia
Abraha Gebru Tedla, Balwinder Singh Tiwana

Diversion of loan taken by Marginal Farmer Houesholds in Sonepat District of Haryana: An Analysis
Dr. Hariom Duggal

Demonetization in India: A Critical Appraisal
Sunil Dutt Sharma

A comparative study of women social freedom in relation to self confidence of university students in Sirsa district
Dr. Nivedita, Priya Rani

An Estimation of the Determinants of Microcredit Demand by Small Farmers to Enhance Agricultural Production: A case of Huye District, Rwanda
Vishwanatha, Mutamuliza Eularie

Pricing of initial public offerings in India: A study based on BSE
Sahil Narang, Dr. Vinod Kumar

Role of Agricultural Marketing in Crop Diversification-A Comparative Study
Dr. Sandeep Kumar

Review of Literature Related to Benefits of Digital Transactions
Dr. Srikanta Charana Das, Nitesh Panch

Revenue, Expenditure and Causality: An Empirical study of State Government in India
Kanchan Singh

Role of Agricultural Marketing in Crop Diversification-A Comparative Study
Dr. Sandeep Kumar

Growth and Pattern of Fertilizer Consumption in Haryana
Dr. Sandeep Kumar, Akshu

Consumer's perception towards Private Label Brands in Retail Stores
Y Hemantha, Dr. B.K. Arun


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