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International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences
Year 2014, Volume-4, Issue-1 (January)
Online ISSN : 2249-7382

Table of contents

Depreciation of rupee and its effects
Dr. G.B. Boraiah

Global economic crisis and Indian economy
Amandeep Kaur

A brief study of E-governance in India
Dr. Shamsher Singh Malik

Namdhari (kuka) movement and its founder
Rajni Thakur

Corporate governance in insurance sector
Priyanka Chaudhary

An overview of biodiversity & its conservation
Pardeep Kumar

Black aesthetic theory: a perspective
Mrs. Nitasha Grewal

Socially untouched issue being addressed and productive results explored in D H Lawrence's works
Satbir Singh, Vijender Singh Tanwar


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