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International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences
Year : 2013, Volume : 3, Issue : 10
First page : ( 367) Last page : ( 380)
Online ISSN : 2249-5894.

Evaluation of public private partnership policies in India: An analytical study

Dr Rajput Namita*, Batra Geetanjali**, Oberoi Shelly, Research Scholar

*Associate Professor, Sri Aurobindo College (M), University of Delhi

**Assistant Professor, A R S D College, University of Delhi

Online published on 21 November, 2013.


There are many sectors like energy, telecom, water, transportation and infrastructure the growth of which is very critical for survival of the nation. Infrastructure plays a vital role in facilitating trade, commerce and supporting high standards of living thereby increasing the global reach of a nation if properly funded, planned and maintained. It is a well documented fact that there is important association between high-calibre infrastructure and economic development. The governments operating at constrained budget and facing high population growth and developmental demands may not be able to reap the best advantages and make necessary investments owing to which they need the private sector for necessary capital, technology and expertise to execute public-sector infrastructure projects. Regulators and policy makers opine that if the right economic and political policy framework and institutional environments is vetted and structured, public–private partnerships (PPPs) can prove to become drivers for economic growth like in case of Middle East and North Africa. The best advantage of PPP is that it allocates risks and responsibilities to the parties best suited to handle it. The public sector is able to shift risks related to lack of demand and revenue, finance, design and construction, operation, maintenance and extraordinary circumstances to the private sector. The objective of the paper is to highlight how PPPs can propel and fuel economic growth, which type of PPP Contract improves quality and standard of living and which government policies are central to attract PPPs and to find an answer that whether PPPs provide a ground for global development or not. The analysis claims that ideal circumstances, right and judicious blend of policies can anticipate a thriving and open economy that is better positioned to extend its global reach like in case of India.



Public Private Partnership, Economic Development.


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